Friday, June 26, 2009

Girls Camp Returned!!!

Well i got back from girls camp this morning i am so relieved i haven't showered for 3 days ahhh!!! who knows whats on me!!

Well For starters when we got there we were so excited!! i am now writing you a schedule of the interesting things we did!!

we got to camp checked our cabins out picked beds and collected our rashins (a camo bandana and dog tag and shirt) had a devotional and ate lunch, hung around, and then went to the Apia-theater and did some challenges *mine field (hula hoops blind folded finding your way without touching them your team has to stay at the TOP of the course and the leaders in our way acting like Satan)*shooting b-b guns(knocking down the bad comments or things in our life)*and the wood wall we had to get our team up and over a 10 foot wall with using NO STAIRS and a tree and a small rope we have to put at the top OURSELVES ( getting over challenges that are in our way of the path of heaven!! then we went and started to cook OUR OWN dinner in a dutch oven then this is the best part Miss.Utah (Jill Stevens) came to give use a speech that was so great i loved it, it was a really good thing to listen too!!! ATE!!! "snipe" hunting (that was fake a prank) i know there really are snipe but we did not catch any!!! Bed 2am then bathrooms 4am pitch black( and by the way our bathrooms were disgusting and at night they were worse the MOTHS were practically crawling up our butts!!!!

We woke up my plytoon had breakfast duty then we ate breakfast and went back to our cabin to see our bras and underwear hanging from our porch!!!!! we were P.O. ed!!! Then we went on a 4 mile up hill hike and ate lunch. Then we went to spa pituta and got to make flip flops and soak our feet!! aaaaaa!!!Then while everyone else went to dinner we pranked the mi-maids and got busted!!! the laurles did some things too!! and then the pranks were illegail ouhhhhh we saved all our good ones for that night and it got canceled putooy!! You know putting sleeping bags on the roof and bras in the bush to bad!!! We then got letters from the bishop and letters from parents that made us all cry!!!Then had a testemony meeting that was till 11pm then went to bed regardless of the moths and rain!!!

We woke up had a hour to sweep pack and clean our cabins and then be to breakfast after breakfast we had our I.S.O talent show ( inoraginal,silly,odd) and had a great laugh then had to go clean the bathrooms ewwwwwwww!!!!!! and the lodge then went home!!!

I am so glad to be home but i miss the moutains they seem magical they really make you real the spirt But i missed my family so i am happy to sleep in a despidered,demothed, and dedirtified bed aaaaaaaa!!!!! i missed you guys give me your comments i am open!!!

1 comment:

Kim & Campbell said...

Good Times, it is kind of hard being the newby at girls camp, but it gets better and better. I loved going, doing all the funny activites and getting to be a bit silly. I loved being with a group of women/ girls and knowng that we felt the spirit ad could lift one another up. Girls Camp is a wonderful opportunity for growth if you allow it... and if you have a good attitude about it. I am glad you were able to have such a good time!Good Times!