Saturday, October 3, 2009

Halloween Dec'or

♫"Tis the season to be scary"♫ YEP its that time of year we have been decorateing our house planning,cleaning, decorating , shopping, and cleaning. of course we do it with the "kindness in our hearts and absoulautely NO Fighting at all" you know us all to well to know thats not true we do have ups and downs but we are having a blast shopping for costumes and enjoying the cool wheather no more sweat;) not really. but hope you all are having just a great of time as we are tising the season of Halloween !!!!!Boo!!!!! I scared you !!!

CrAzY cAm


p.S. scared you again

1 comment:

Dusti said...

Happy Late Halloween,hope you had a fun one. Thanks for all your really sweet comments on my blog. you are seriously so thoughtful.

Love Dusti